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Registering task results

You can register the return of a task to use it later in the playbook.

- name: Register result
    command: echo "hello"
  register: result

- name: Show result
    var: result

There are some common variables that you will find in the result variable. For example:

  • changed
  • failed
  • msg
  • rc
  • results
  • skipped
  • stderr
  • stderr_lines
  • stdout
  • stdout_lines
TASK [Register result] ******************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [Show result] **********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "result": {
        "changed": true,
        "cmd": "echo \"hello\"",
        "delta": "0:00:00.002058",
        "end": "2023-03-10 11:10:17.866992",
        "failed": false,
        "msg": "",
        "rc": 0, # (1)
        "start": "2023-03-10 11:10:17.864934",
        "stderr": "",
        "stderr_lines": [],
        "stdout": "hello",
        "stdout_lines": [
  1. rc stands for return code. It is the exit code of the command. This is very usefull because you can run code based upon the exit code of a command.