Using when in ansible tasks
The when
allows you to run ansible task only when a condition is met.
Based on variables
Run a certain task only when a certain variable is set.
- name: Configure SELinux to start mysql on any port
name: mysql_connect_any
state: true
persistent: true
when: ansible_selinux.status == "enabled"
Based on magic variables
Run a certain task only when the hosts meets a certain criteria.
- name: my task
# Host is in the group 'web'
- "'web' in group_names"
# Host is the first member of the group 'db'
- inventory_hostname == groups['db'][0]
# Host is the last member of the group 'dc'
- inventory_hostname == hostvars[groups['dc']|last]['inventory_hostname']
Based on ansible facts
Run a certain task only when a certain fact is set.
- name: Shut down Debian systems
ansible.builtin.command: /sbin/shutdown -t now
when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == "Debian"
Combine conditions
You can combine conditions using and
and or
- name: my task
# Host is in the group 'web' and in the group 'db'
- "'web' in group_names"
- "'db' in group_names"
# Host is in the group 'web' or debian based
- "'web' in group_names or ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'Debian'"