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Making variables global

Before the playbook starts, Ansible will always render variables directly to the hosts. With modules like set_fact and register you can set variables for the hosts you are iterating over.

In some cases you might want to set variables globally, so that they are available for all hosts. This is not possible but there is a workaround for this.

Example use cases are:

  • Create a single cluster join token for all hosts to use in a playbook
  • Create a git commit if any network device has changed configuration


You can use your localhost as a variable storage and reference the variables from there. Just run a set_fact task on your localhost and set delegate_facts set to true. Reference the fact in any play like this hostvars['localhost']['my_global_var']. In case the variable is not set we need to specify a default value so the playbook doesn't fail.

Here are some examples for the use cases above:

Generate a token if cluster join is pending
- name: Stat | does config exist?
    path: /etc/mycluster.config
  register: _join_config

- name: Set fact | is any cluster join pending?
    cluster_join_pending: true
  delegate_to: localhost
  delegate_facts: true
  when: not _join_config.stat.exists

- name: Command | create join token for all pending joins
    cmd: cluster token create
  delegate_to: "{{ groups.master[0] }}"
  register: token
  run_once: true
  when: hostvars['localhost']['cluster_join_pending'] is true | default(false)
Git commit if any config changed
# Play for network devices
hosts: routers

  backup: yes
  filename: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.cfg"
  dir_path: /mybackup 
register: configbkp

 configchange: true
delegate_to: localhost
delegate_facts: true
when: configbkp.changed

#Next play for localhost
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: true # required to keep fact from play above

  chdir: /data/ansible/cisco/backup
  cmd: "git add ."
when: configchange | default(false)

  cmd: git commit -m "Ansible backup"
when: configchange | default(false)