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Combine when and loop

when and loop/with_items can be combined to create a loop that only runs when a condition is met. This is useful when you want to loop over a list of items, but only run the task if the item meets a condition.

Loop over a list of items

You can add a list directly in the task and loop over it. This will loop over all names except for bob.

  - name: create users
      name: "{{ item }}"
      - alice
      - bob
      - charlie
    when: item != 'bob'

Loop over magic variables

You can also loop over magic variables like groups or hostvars. This is for example if you want to loop over all hosts in a group except for the current host itself.

Here we loop over all hosts in the dns group except for the current host itself. This will allow dns replicaton traffic(tcp 53) from all dns hosts to the master (first member of the dns group) host.

Based on your needs you can use an Ansible playbook or the rules.j2 template.

- name: iptables | dns server traffic
    chain: INPUT
    source: "{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_host'] }}"
    protocol: tcp
    destination_port: "53"
    jump: ACCEPT
    - inventory_hostname == hostvars[groups['dns'][0]]['inventory_hostname']
    - inventory_hostname != hostvars[item]['inventory_hostname']
loop: "{{ groups.dns }}"
    - iptables | save
{% if inventory_hostname in groups['dns'][0] %}
{% for h in groups['dns'] %}
{% if inventory_hostname not in hostvars[h]['inventory_hostname'] %}
ip saddr {{hostvars[h]['ansible_host']}} tcp dport 53 counter accept
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}